070: Financial Wellness Series: Part One w/ Brennan Pitard

Podcast a Vet 070 Part One with Brennan Pitard

Continuing on with our Financial Wellness Series we are joined by Brennan Pitard, a DVM who left practice only a few years after graduation to help bridge the gap between banks, lenders, and veterinarians. Having experienced the veterinary field himself, Brennan knows first hand the struggles, pressures, and roadblocks faced by his peers, and helps look past those obstacles to see the bigger picture and help others achieve their dreams of practice ownership.


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Show Notes

One of the only, if not the only veterinary lender who helps new and aspiring practice owners on a step-by-step journey, Brennan is the kind of guy who will talk to you at 8 pm on a Friday night to help make sure that you understand the path to your future. To give you a taste of his knowledge, Brennan is here to provide the steps you need to take to realize your dream of practice ownership, why he chooses to look past the unfortunate circumstances of most debt and find a solution, and ultimately explain how he works to align veterinary medicine and banking.  

Brennan and his team of lenders at First Financial Bank believe it's about the numbers, but its also about the people too. With the right financial partner, even burdens like student debt won't hold you back from reaching your goals of practice ownership and financial stability. Learn why you should be looking at income-based repayment if your goal is practice ownership, understand the process and timeline behind starting a practice, and why if you are thinking about buying a practice, you should probably do it.

You don't have to be a name or a number on a piece of paper to a bank, there are loaners out there like Brennan and the First Financial Bank team who will be with you every step of the process, ensuring you are always supported and never alone.

Have you taken steps to alleviate your financial stress and embrace your ideal career model? Share with us in the comments below.


In This Episode

  • Comparing the lifestyle differences between practice work and ownership

  • Strategies to eliminate your debt on a realistic time frame for buying a practice

  • Ways to decide if you should be buying the real estate along with the practice

  • Steps an individual can take to become part of a team even as a sole owner

  • Habits to avoid and adapt to get your credit score to the optimal level



“Right now it fulfills me to be able to help those veterinarians out there that think that they cannot open a practice, think they cannot start their own practice, don’t have the resources and the knowledge to do it, and it’s important to me to let them know they can do it.” (6:13)

“Being involved and getting to work with veterinarians on a daily basis and help them accomplish their dream makes it all worth it for me.” (12:15)

“There’s a lot of different pieces to the puzzle. If you were willing to take a leap of faith and have the confidence to spend that money or take that loan to accomplish your dream, there is no reason we should penalize you for having that under your belt.” (26:41)

“We want to get to know you, you are our biggest investment, we are investing in you.” (29:45)

“Things that a lender, not knowing the profession and not knowing each of us on an individual level, would probably turn away and look at as a huge red flag, I want to dig into the story of why that happened.” (41:00)

“We're definitely a small, tight-knit community, and there is somebody out there in a lot of the different niches of the profession that you may not even realize, and one of those is probably me.” (49:48)



Contact Brennan at bpitard@ffb1.com

FFB Veterinary Loans Homepage

First Financial Bank Website

PAV 062: Financial Wellness Series Part One with Stith Keiser

PAV 066: Financial Wellness Series Part Two with Stith Keiser & Larry Alexander

Blue Heron Consulting Website

PAV 056: Sam Romano


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