067: How Mentorship Can Set You On The Path To Success w/ Dr. Adam Conroy

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Veterinary medicine is made special by the people and connections you make throughout your career. Dr. Adam Conroy is a testament to this and is passionate about helping others embrace failure in order to find success. A small animal practitioner, successful practice owner, consultant and mentor, Dr. Conroy is all about having a vision and accomplishing your goals.

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Show Notes

Dr. Conroy believes that by aligning yourself with a strategic mentor, and learning skills of leadership and partnership, you can be successful in whatever niche of veterinary medicine you chose. Today we are learning all about the importance of taking risks, learning that you will never avoid failure, how to avoid burnout in your career, and much more. Dr. Conroy is an inspiring example of how to use humility and persistence to achieve happiness.

We are diving into how to analyze communication in your relationships and repair them on a business level, why you need to fully commit to whatever project you are working on, and exploring some harsh realities of primary ownership, partnership and how to set yourself up for success. Dr. Conroy is providing tools to help you accomplish your goals, and a message of empowerment for anyone feeling lost and overwhelmed.

Once you are able to look back at your failures with ease, you will have learned the lessons necessary to find success. By taking risks, going back to the drawing board and finding the right partners, you can create whatever kind of life you prefer.

How has Dr. Conroy opened your mind up to potential career possibilities? Share with us in the comments below.


In This Episode

  • Questions you should be asking employers when approaching the job market

  • Breaking down the stereotypes surrounding younger doctors and how to change them

  • Why most people bomb their first job and how to prevent that from becoming you

  • The reality of mentorship, finding a job after graduation and taking on an ownership role

  • Learning how to find balance in your relationship at home and work relationships



“Anybody who thinks they can do this alone, you can’t. So you have to accept that you have to find people that are willing to help you.” (6:14)

“The majority of the major successes I have had have been the direct result of things that I have failed at multiple times.” (7:49)

“Say what you want, say where you want to be, and the people who are close to you make it very transparent ultimately what your vision is and do they support that or not. Get that established right off the bat, and once those things become in line, then I think the trajectory of your success will parallel that.” (19:12)

“You chose a great career, we're here to tell that you did. Now it’s just what you make of it.” (20:12)

“You have to have and surround yourself with other people and a diversity of doctors that have a constant pulse, as opposed to you being the only heartbeat there.” (35:10)



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